So, if you will transform your world, you must realize that the spiritual must take precedent over the physical. All of our lives before receiving Christ, we are taught to satisfy the physical nature and physical desires. The scriptures call these things "the flesh." Satisfying the flesh, we have, for the most part, gotten ourselves into trouble and ended up with a lot of hurt, pain, confusion, disillusionment and difficulties. And, even if we did not realize the trouble we were in, we ended up separated from God because of this very things. This is why transformation is needed. Yet, to bring about that transformation, we must realize that the physical must be brought under control (subjection) and we must begin feeding and satisfying the spirit man/woman in us. The Bible teaches us, "Seek first, the kingdom of God and it's righteousness and all these things will be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). When we begin to place our spiritual nature and needs first, the Spirit of God can work in us to transform our worlds.
If you will transform your world, be careful about listening to people who have good intentions but have not direct word from the Lord or assignment from God to speak into or over your life!. Their may be poison hidden in their words.
"Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers." (Proverbs 11:14 NLT)